Oz Lit Teacher Blog

Writers And Their Notebooks: Jodi Toering Jul 19, 2020

Jodi Toering is a Victorian author and primary school teacher who last year released her stunning debut book, Mallee Sky. As soon as I read this...

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What Are Street Libraries? Jul 05, 2020

Have you ever smelled a smell and immediately been reminded of a place, person or thing from your past?

That’s olfactory memory: the...

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6 Life Changing Leadership Lessons Jun 28, 2020

One Thursday back in 2012, I received an email from the judging panel for the Lindsay Thompson Fellowship (a Victorian Education Excellence Award...

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Writerā€™s Notebooks: 5 Myths To Debunk Jun 14, 2020

Writer's notebooks can be powerful tools in the writing classroom but I've heard a few myths floating around about these and I think it's time to...

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5 Common Mistakes Teachers Make In Independent Reading Jun 08, 2020

Being a literacy consultant, I get the opportunity to visit lots of schools and observe in lots of classrooms.

I see all types of wonderful...

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Writers And Their Notebooks: Claire Saxby May 31, 2020

Claire Saxby is a Victorian writer who has written almost 40 children’s books. She writes beautiful fiction and non-fiction texts as well...

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Writers And Their Notebooks: Lian Tanner May 17, 2020

Earlier this year I launched the Writer’s Notebook Series. This series of posts is focused on learning how published authors use their...

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Remote Teachingā€™s Golden Opportunity For Improving Teacher Practice May 03, 2020

Remote teaching certainly has its challenges, but it also provides us with an array of wonderful benefits as well. One of those benefits is a...

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Writers And Their Notebooks: Trace Balla Mar 15, 2020

One question I get asked a lot is “how should we use writer’s notebooks with students?” I'm all about authenticity so I thought...

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Interview With Children's Author Stef Gemmill Feb 29, 2020

I was recently lucky enough to interview Australian children’s author Stef Gemmill. Stef’s recently published book, “A Home for...

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